
Today, district leadership received updated information from our demographer about enrollment projections for next school year and beyond.
Due to the demographer’s enrollment projection coming in well above his April 2024 projections and higher fall enrollment than budgeted, we are no longer considering the closure of Highland Terrace or any Shoreline K-5 school for the 2025-26 school year or in the near future.
I recognize that the consideration of a possible school closure has taken an emotional toll on our school district community. The district remains committed to full transparency in our work and to being responsive to the latest information available to address the ongoing budget emergency that still exists. Though the increased enrollment will help our financial situation, district expenditures continue to outpace revenues. We will continue to share information with our community as soon as we are able, including more detailed enrollment and demographic information at an upcoming School Board study session, to be scheduled soon.
As a result of this change, the planned School Boundaries Committee work and public hearings are now canceled.
Thank you for your continued engagement and understanding as we work together to support our schools and community.
Dr. Susana Reyes
Superintendent, Shoreline Public Schools