
25-5, 25-8, 25-15
Stat Leaders:
Kills: Violet Burchak 8, Lily Starr 4
Assists: Violet Burchak 11, Sydney Telling 6
Aces: Lily Starr 7, Violet Burchak 5
Digs: Violet Burchak 6, Lexi Paule 5
Blocks: Noelle Baron, Lily Starr and Ava Watson 2
Scots Improve to 5-0 District and 7-0. The Scots are on the road tonight at Marysville Pilchcuk.
Patchy rain nearby, with a high of 47 and low of 38 degrees. Overcast during the morning, partly cloudy for the afternoon, overcast in the evening,
The fire chiefs' taxes paid explanation is correct. He does leave out the Medic One (EMS) levy. What is in error is his claim that the RFA will reduce next year's taxes. The RFA does nothing to reduce taxes.
Is there really such a disparity between the present financial conditions of Shoreline Fire and Northshore Fire? If so, vote No.