
Initiative 2117 on the November ballot would repeal the Climate Commitment Act. That’s a mistake. The Climate Commitment Act charges pollution fees from large companies that release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas pollution. The Climate Commitment Act raises billions to protect our waterways, air, and communities from pollution and climate disruption.
Benefits include electric school buses that would eliminate diesel pollution breathed by our children, salmon habitat restoration, tree planting to reduce extreme heat and improve air quality, particularly in underserved communities, and wildfire prevention programs, to name a few.
Don’t be fooled. A millionaire hedge fund manager funded Initiative 2117 to repeal legislation crafted by our elected representatives to provide a market-based program that incentivizes greenhouse gas polluters to convert to clean energy. Once they convert, they won’t have to pay the pollution fees. During this transition, funds from the fees will support critical programs that benefit all of us.
This November, vote for clean air. Vote NO on greenhouse gas pollution. Vote NO on Initiative 2117.
Nancy Dolan
Patchy rain nearby, with a high of 46 and low of 38 degrees. Overcast in the morning, mist in the afternoon, overcast for the evening,
The fire chiefs' taxes paid explanation is correct. He does leave out the Medic One (EMS) levy. What is in error is his claim that the RFA will reduce next year's taxes. The RFA does nothing to reduce taxes.
Is there really such a disparity between the present financial conditions of Shoreline Fire and Northshore Fire? If so, vote No.
I stand by every statement I made in the NO RFA letter I provided to the Town Crier. First, I was in the room when the Northshore contract discussions were held. There was never any discussion of the contract being a first step towards an RFA.