
A very vested community attended Sound Transit's latest "outreach" meeting.
From Vicki Vickiscuri:
The parking lot was over-filled, and the cafeteria/gym was standing room only by 6 pm. Sound Transit spewed their usual, all from the view that only a BRT lane will provide safe, efficient, reliable transit.
The crowd did not buy it. Comments were taken for over an hour. Every citizen who spoke made valid points about why ST needs to reopen the design and engagement process and revisit their original presumptions about the design. Citizens demand that Sound Transit study a Q-Jump Bypass approach, possibly to be designed by a consultant outside the Agency.
At the end of the evening, a professor from UW in engineering stood up and questioned their presumption of a 100-year build, stating that this is, at best, a temporary build, lasting 20 years, because of changes in technology and how much our life patterns will change over the next 100 years. Looking back 100 years, we could not have predicted our lifestyle changes today.
ST’s presumptions are flawed. He stated that in 100 years, buses will not even be running on these streets! This project likely has a 20-year lifespan before it is a teardown! None of the fifty-or-so commentators favor the current design for LFP. Had there been more time, there would have been more comments. The meeting was extended from ending at 7:30 pm-8 pm or so before we had to clear the room.