Sound Transit Sponsored Community Meeting Regarding Bus Lane


CORE* is asking residents of Lake Forest Park to attend a Sound Transit Sponsored Community Meeting THIS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2ND AT LAKE FOREST PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. 18500 37th Ave NE between 6:00 pm,-7:30pm

There will be a rally beginning at 5:30pm, before the meeting, at the school.

Sound Transit's goal for the meeting is to explain to the citizens of Lake Forest Park in attendance why Sound Transit believes it is too late to change the plans that call for building a dedicated bus lane through the heart of Lake Forest Park. In addition, Sound Transit is interested in communicating its success in meeting with and understanding the Community's concerns and that the Community broadly supports its Plans for Lake Forest Park. Lastly, they want to discuss the few changes they have made to the plan based on the feedback they received from Residents of Lake Forest Park over the last three years.

CORE is interested in informing and convincing as many residents of Lake Forest Park as possible about this event. We believe Sound Transit is wrong on all the assertions they plan to make, but the surest way to provide that evidence to them is to draw a large, representative crowd of residents that will either confirm Sound Transit's assertions or not. Attending this meeting is the way for citizens of Lake Forest Park to make their experience with Sound Transit, such as it is, known to the Staff and hopefully to the Sound Transit Board of Directors.

This is a decisive moment for our community. Attending the meeting should be a priority, if not mandatory, for those who feel left out, marginalized, and seriously concerned about Sound Transit's plans or, for that matter, feel supportive of Sound Transits plans for SR522/145th Bus Rapid Transit project.

So, please join us as early as 6 pm at Lake Forest Park Elementary School, 18500 Ave NE in Lake Forest Park.

*CORE is a LFP-based citizen action organization. We are pro-mass transit and pro-Light Rail in Western Washington. We are a registered 501(c)(4) organization. Our goal is to educate the residents of Lake Forest Park that there is "a better way" for Sound Transit than building a devastating dedicated eastbound bus lane through the heart of our City, a design Sound Transit is using on 145th Ave that does not include any dedicated bus lanes.

CORE: Citizens Organized to Rethink Expansion of HWY 522 in Lake Forest Park.

Visit our website: Citizens Organized to Rethink Expansion (Core) Lake Forest Park (

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