
NEMCo will be conducting a free CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training class from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Thursdays, for 7 weeks, starting on April 27th at Fire Station 51 in Kenmore. Registration is now open to all community members including our teens which will receive community service hours. Please feel free to share this announcement with friends, family, and the community.
The Northshore Emergency Management Coalition (NEMCo) CERT Program provides information on local hazards and community training on basic preparedness for events that include earthquakes, windstorms, snow events, floods, landslides and more. Classes are presented by trained CERT community members in the areas of Fire Safety, Basic First Aid, Disaster Medical Operations, Light Search & Rescue, Utility Management and overall preparedness.
CERT is for everyone! Topics are presented in an easy to understand, step-by-step process, with hands-on training to build your knowledge and skills. After a little practice, you and your classmates will participate in a disaster simulation giving you the opportunity to use Hands-on NEMCo CERT Training and apply what you have learned, building confidence in your abilities.
This class will be held at Fire Station 51 in Kenmore - 7220 NE 181st Street Kenmore, WA 98028.
Attendance at all classes is required to receive your CERT certificate.
For additional information contact:
Additional Class Information:
Class Date: 7 Weeks, Thursday Evening
• April 27
• May 4
• May 11
• May 18
• May 25
• June 1
• June 8
• SATURDAY June 10 (Final Exercise)
Class Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm
Class Open to: Community
Class Objectives:
CERT trains them in basic disaster response skills such as team organization, disaster medical operations, fire safety, and light search and rescue.
Class Brief:
CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens may initially be on their own and their actions can make a difference. While people will respond to others in need without the training, one goal of the CERT program is to help them do so effectively and efficiently without placing themselves in unnecessary danger. In the CERT training, citizens learn to:
• manage utilities and put out small fires,
• treat the three medical killers by opening airways, controlling bleeding, and treating for shock,
• provide basic medical aid,
• search for and rescue victims safely,
• organize themselves and spontaneous volunteers to be effective,
• and collect disaster intelligence to support first responder efforts.
Thank you,
NEMCo CERT Steering Committee