Bloodworks makes emergency appeal for blood donations
Facing the biggest blood shortage since the COVID-19 pandemic began a year ago, Bloodworks Northwest has made an urgent call for blood donations.
The organization says the shortage is caused by “a perfect storm” of events, including confusion over post COVID-19 vaccination donation eligibility (it’s OK to donate blood after having the vaccine, officials say), a string of unseasonably warm spring weather (when donors tend to skip more appointments), record high blood usage at hospitals across the Pacific Northwest, and a national blood shortage.
Transfusions are at 118%, indicating continuing high patient need (as more surgeries are now being scheduled) and blood supplies hovering at a 24-hour supply. Assistance from blood centers across the country is limited or uncertain as a national shortage has impacted the ability of other blood centers to respond. With so few units of blood on the shelves, our community is one major accident away from crisis.
Community members of all blood types can book appointments at Donor Centers and Pop-Up Blood Drives in April.