
After parking in the upper lot at Town Center for several days, police were asked to check on the person residing in this trailer. According to Chief Harden, officers offered RADAR North Sound services but the individual declined. Since the mall is private property, the officers couldn't cite the individual nor make him leave.
After one of the mall business owners complained, mall security filed a no-trespass order with LFP PD and officers served the letter on the individual yesterday. According to Chief Harden, the urban camper said he understands he cannot return to the Town Center.
This person just moved their trailer across from Kenmore Air
Moderate rain, with a high of 47 and low of 38 degrees. Overcast in the morning, partly cloudy during the afternoon, overcast during the evening,
The fire chiefs' taxes paid explanation is correct. He does leave out the Medic One (EMS) levy. What is in error is his claim that the RFA will reduce next year's taxes. The RFA does nothing to reduce taxes.
Is there really such a disparity between the present financial conditions of Shoreline Fire and Northshore Fire? If so, vote No.