
Mayor and Council of the City of Lake Forest Park have long recognized
the need to address climate change and support the efforts of the People
for Climate Action Coalition that works with local governments to help
achieve King County Cities Climate Collaboration goals. The City has
also taken initial steps to lessen its impact on the environment through
a robust tree ordinance, code adoption to allow increased density at
Town Center and near transit, City-sponsored recycling and composting
efforts, installation of LED lighting in City-owned facilities, water
bottle filling stations in city hall, and a model plastics ordinance.
purpose of the Climate Action Committee is to gather and analyze
climate information and draft a Climate Action Plan for recommendation
to the City Council. As established in the approving resolution, the
following considerations are part of the first-year work plan
development process: review and use of existing municipal climate action
plans, recommended changes to City operations, additions and amendments
to legislation, community projects, interaction with City commissions
and task forces, the financial needs for creating the Climate Action
Plan, and how to achieve the Climate Action Plan goals financially.
its meeting on February 10, 2022, the Council introduced the enacting
resolution and, on February 24, 2022, took action to create the City’s
Climate Action Committee and appoint nine of the established ten
members. The high school/college student position has yet to be filled.
The committee will meet once a month at 7:00 p.m. on either the first or
third Tuesday; or second or third Wednesday of the month. The committee
will be supported by a member of staff from the Public Works
Department, who will have the support of the Planning Department.
following Lake Forest Park community members were appointed by the
Julian Andersen
Miriam Bertram
Dana Campbell
Jessica Cote
Tamara Erickson
Linda Holman
Sarah Phillips
Brian Saunders
At its first meeting, the Committee is charged with electing a
chair and vice chair, and the first work product will be an annual work
plan to be approved by Council. Following approval of the work plan, the
Committee will next draft a Climate Action Plan for consideration by
the Council.