LFP Notices, Communications, and Questions


Edition 1 – 11/18/21

Editors Note: This is the first in a continuing series of citizen informational papers devoted to LFP issues. The series is designed to provide LFP citizens readership concerning matters of interest for current events at City Hall.

The general rule for information about the activities and actions at LFP City Hall are the citizen has to seek information through public disclosure documents, speak for 3 minutes at council meetings or search on the city website; none of these activities allow for return communication or exchange with the citizen seeking the information. There are no longer any commissions available to listen and respond to citizen concerns thus both the citizens and city do not communicate with each other, hence the widening of the divisiveness between citizens and city alike and the lack of trust citizens have for their government (as demonstrated in the defeat of PROP 1). The only tool the citizen had left to communicate with was their vote as the council and administration had stripped away all citizens options of exchange.
(correction): The exception to the exchange of information issue is the Planning Commission as they allow time for an exchange of questions and actions during the course of their open meetings.


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