
CORE has recently completed a comprehensive report of the Sound Transit SR 522/145th BRT project planned for our community. The report has been shared with Lake Forest Park (LFP) city leadership and we want to share it with you as well.
So, where are we now with this project? Is it too late to alter its course?
The project’s continuing delays (now not scheduled to be open until mid-2028) and challenges (it’s not clear that they have a viable plan to cross Bsche'tla Creek just south of the Sheridan Market) speak loudly that alternative designs are still possible.
The LFP City Council directed the administration in December of 2022 to ask Sound Transit (ST) for a 90 day pause to study alternatives to the design of the 522 BRT project in LFP. Only after repeated requests, ST responded in writing September 2023 (denying the request) – nine months later!
The Council made another written request, this time to the Sound Transit Board in October of 2023. The most recent request asks specifically for a serious study including a cost/benefit analysis of alternative solutions for LFP. So here we are several months later, and can you guess what has happened?
You guessed it – no official response.
For over a year CORE & LFP have been asking ST to consider bus queue jumps in lieu of the devasting design that would widen SR 522, take portions of over 100 properties, mow down 391 trees and a larger number of shrubs, and erect a nearly mile long graffiti-prone concrete retaining wall as high as 16 feet.
At an October 2023 meeting with CORE, Sound Transit staff said that a continuous north/eastbound dedicated bus lane is required in LFP. They showed a Google Maps screenshot showing afternoon northbound/eastbound congestion nearly the 1.3 mile length in LFP where they plan to create a new dedicated bus lane. Aside from the fact that the ST screenshot was 1.5 miles (erroneously including a section where a dedicated BAT lane already exists), our use of Google Maps yielded much lower congestion and travel times using the same day and time (see image above).
CORE was able to contract for a much more comprehensive analysis of Google traffic data and not only disproved the need for a dedicated lane, but also confirmed the viability of a much lower cost, less impactful set of two bus queue jump lanes.
Here’s a link to the 30-page report:
Here are some highlights:
City leadership is using this report to advocate for a better transit solution, that will preserve transit benefits and new sidewalks, and CORE will continue to raise public awareness and advocate for a better way.
The Sound Transit PDF version of the report is attached below.